Hello, I'm Leon.

Front-end Web Developer & UI/UX Enthusiast
About Me
Get to know me!
I'm Leon Chua, a Front-end Web Developer, who is passionate in building the Front-end of Websites and Web Applications. I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow.

Check out some of my work in the Projects section.
React Basics
SQL Basics
Weather API App
Created a simple API application that shows the current and forecasted weather of Singapore. Learnt how to make API calls using the fetch method and how to interact with JSON files to display relevant information onto the webpage.
Color Palette Generator
As UI/UX has become of greater emphasis in web design and development, part of a great UI/UX is the use of colors. Inspired by Coolors, this application was created to learn about color theory and can be applied on future projects.
Template Portfolio Site
Getting into front-end web development, this project is an introduction to responsive website design and basic JavaScript for simple DOM manipulation.
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